3 Recommended Marketing Strategies for Insurance Sales Agents

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Insurance agents are constantly looking for new ways to market their services, build their brand awareness, and interact with new audiences online. Although the possibilities to connect with new customers are seemingly endless in this digital era, the best insurance selling strategies start with a brainstorming phase backed by research, data, and in reference to your own budget. Below, the team at SSNA is compiling some of the best insurance sales marketing tips to help you generate leads, reach new clients, and get your name out there! 


Insurance Sales Marketing Tips: 


Setting Realistic Goals: 

As hinted at above, your insurance marketing plan should always start with a game plan, and more specifically, a plan that is optimistic but still within reason. Your goal may be to run a Super Bowl Advertisement or to have Tom Cruise as your celebrity spokesperson, but unless you have millions of dollars in the budget to allocate to this it doesn’t seem necessarily achievable. We suggest collaborating with others to really flesh out this plan, utilizing any potential roadblocks, agreeing on how success will be measured, and setting goals that follow a legitimate timeline. It’s essential that you are also making educated estimates on pricing, as this will ultimately inform you of an ideal budget for this marketing campaign. 


Engage on Social Media: 

It’s no secret that social media continues to increase in popularity each year, with new platforms launching better features and others playing copycat. If your agency, (or your individual insurance business), is not active on social media, you’re turning your back on millions of unique customers. From an organic social media perspective, you’re given the tools to create an agency identity and form real relationships with current or potential clients on a daily basis. This allows you to humanize your service and become relatable in the eyes of future customers. 


Social media campaigns should always be included in the best insurance selling strategies, but perhaps more important for the contemporary insurance agent is digital marketing. These digital advertising opportunities are renowned by professional marketers for being affordable, effective, and highly focused. Certain digital marketing strategies, like PPC (or Pay Per Click) only charge your agency when people click on your link, ensuring to you that your budget is being used properly. Other SEO tools can target your advertisements to consumers with real intent to purchase insurance, consumers in your location, or consumers that have already visited your website. The more your SEO grows, the higher and higher your website will pop up on Google when customers are searching for their next insurance sales company


Looking to Grow as an Agent?

Senior Services of North America, or SSNA, has delivered a proven record in helping insurance agents and brokers be as productive, lucrative, and effective as possible in the always-changing Insurance Industry. As one of the fastest-growing FMO’s in the nation, we provide unparalleled support and mentorship for agents to break away from the masses of competition. Connect with us today to get started on a new insurance journey!